What is a 401(k) plan?
401(k) is the section of the Internal Revenue Code that allows employees to participate in a retirement savings plan.

Contributions are tax-deferred, and interest and earnings accumulate on a tax-deferred basis. A 401(k) retirement plan is an effective and powerful method of saving.


Why 401(k)?

Because it's good for you. Are you one of 12.5 million Americans not participating in your companies 401(k) plan? The fact is, of the 50 million Americans eligible to participate in their employer's plan, only 37.5 million actually participate. Many of the 37.5 million are not contributing enough for their retirement.

Why Save?

Social Security will pay the average retiree about 40% of pre-retirement earnings.

Experts estimate that Americans will need 60 to 80 percent of their pre-retirement income -- lower-income earners may need up to 90 percent to maintain their current standard of living when they stop working.

How Much Should I Save?

As much as you can. Our (k)Check Calculator can help you figure out the amount.

  Enter the company username and password   to complete your personal analysis.


Want to learn more about 401(k) plans? Click below to begin our online tutorial.